Sunday, February 10, 2008

Yet another Jekyll Island voice

Langford tries to portray the opposition to the LLC plan as a "small group of detractors." It's the largest small group I've ever seen. 

This is a nice summary of the development already taking place and a broader explanation of the Clarion property.


wadingbird said...

each day I find more people who are finding out about what is happening to Jekyll for the first time and the reaction is almost always fury. Not only about what is happening but that they were not a part of the process. I seem to remember the last Ga. administration forgot that the average Georgian wants to be a part of decision making process. People expect to be kept informed by their representatives and they expect to be represented. this public be damned attitude is not one I care for and Southerners have long memories. I hope Cagle and Porter and Johnson are all listening.

Timothy J. Oakes said...

Give me a break. Is it realistic to expect state representatives to contact everyone in their district to let them know what's going on? There has been plenty of media coverage on this topic - Internet, print media, etc.
This sense of entitlement, that these people need to be spoon-fed every bit of information that drips out of every nook and cranny of society is absurd.